Skittles and Snorkers!


Held on the evening of the last Wednesday of every month, our Skittles and Snorkers event is enjoyed by all who attend it.

There are two skittles lanes deep in the lower decks at the Royal Maritime Club, the perfect venue for such a gathering for this old English pub game which already attracts a band of regulars and there’s always room for more!


That explains the Skittles part of the title; so why Snorkers?  For the uninitiated, snorker is a nickname for the good old sausage, the ever-popular culinary delight favoured throughout the British Isles.  The origin of this name is broadly attributed to within the RN and was made famous by Stanley Baker in The Cruel Sea in his line “Snorkers?  Good-oh!”.

So, you won’t be surprised to hear that food is served during the skittles match, in the form of hot dogs.  There’s also tea and coffee available for all participants and it’s all at no cost to you.  The evening kicks-off at 1830 (6.30pm for those who prefer that clock) and with the snorker-based refreshments served at half-time, the game is normally over before 2100 (9pm).


It’s always a lot of fun and of course, never overly-competitive (for most of us anyway) even for those who have never played the game.  If you would like to join in please just get in touch via to add your name added to the list.

It will be great to see you there!


(Written by C.Kimber)


If you’re a veteran from the UK Armed Forces or the Merchant Navy (from any time of service) or a partner to one, VOS would love for you to join our community. We are here to offer our support: call us on 02392 731 767, visit an upcoming drop-in, or email

VOS is immensely grateful to the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity, as without their support and funding we would not be able to provide activities such as this one.

NEXT – Check out our events programme for the Spring and Summer of 2022

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