Quita Walker – our new clinical manager. Quita has wide experience after 24 years in both public and private sector organisations aimed at helping improve mental health outcomes and improve wellbeing.
Pips Clare – our new Wellbeing manager comes from a background across a range of charities in everything from governance to event management. Pips is leading on a mix of wellbeing activities; indoor, outside and virtual. She also supports our excellent group of volunteers.
Alex Watts – our new Operations manager; Alex will oversee the background running of VOS in support of Ian our CEO. Alex is ex RN and an army wife of many years. She moves across from Aggies Westons, a charity supporting serving personnel and their families.
Dave Mercer – our new Welfare Officer. An ex RN Warrant Officer, Dave has a wealth of experience in welfare, most recently as the Service champion for Age UK. He will be getting alongside our service users to assist with benefits checks, advocacy and signposting to our partner organisations.